ERC Grants

ERC Advanced Grants
The ERC Advanced Grants (up to 3.5 million euros over a maximum of five years) are aimed at established scientists in all disciplines whose highly innovative research goes significantly beyond the current state of research and opens up new research areas.
ERC Consolidator Grants
The ERC Consolidator Grants (up to three million euros over a maximum of five years) are aimed at outstanding young researchers from all disciplines whose own independent research group is in the consolidation phase.
ERC Starting Grants
The ERC Starting Grants (up to 2.5 million euros over a maximum of five years) are aimed at outstanding young researchers from all disciplines who are at the beginning of an independent scientific career in Europe and would like to found or have already founded their own research group and establish it in the longer term.
* Contract signed with LMU as host institution, but ERC grantee has since left LMU.
** ERC grantee was not yet at LMU at the time of approval